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From being a Model to Medicine

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 10:32 pm
by miss_unicorn
I used to want to be a model but then, I realized I didn't have the body type or maybe I was just pessimistic about how I feel about myself and what others say about me. I'm glad I eventually realized that modeling would be detrimental to my mental health and just wasn't the best thing I could do with my life. I am SO glad I chose a much healthier mental health path. I hope all the models out there seek mental health counseling for any issues they may experience. All the models are in my prayers! P.S with love

Re: From being a Model to Medicine

Posted: February 26th, 2018, 10:13 am
by Boss larry
I like your sense of persistence and how ambitious you are. Majority of the people in the 21st century lack these attributes.