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By Iamranty
Hi I'm new to the forum and am trying to trace my African roots. I'm now 27 and was born in the US in Baltimore MD to an African mother who became pregnant with me while she was in college. She was sent to school in America and was doing some sort of work with the Red Cross. When she had me she gave me up for adoption. She visited me in foster care while she still was in school up until she graduated. I was adopted at age 3 by a African American family. As I've gotten older I've wanted to learn about my Afrrican roots my ethnic group and most especially, my homeland with respect my country of origin.
I plan on doing a ancestry DNA to trace my genectic marker make up. I was posting honestly because I have some pics of my mother from my adoptive family and was hopeful that some of my African American/ American brothers and sisters could tell me a possible ethnic group by looking at her.

Not really sure why Im posting this here. I could probably use your kind suggestions/advice
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By superjanie
My mother was adopted and she died when I was 18. I took a dna test and was able to find out what we were and I was able to find her birth family along with her half brother and half sister. I allowed me to for her what was her biggest wish.
I wish you the best!
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By fairytale
According to my DNA report, I'm a bunch of nationalities. Japanese, Okinawan, Chinese, various other Asian countries, Irish, English, Scottish, a little Iberian and probably more.
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By miss_unicorn
I can totally relate to your story. Going through the whole of it, I see you didn't mention anything about your did. Did your mum tell you anything about him? did you make any personal finding as well?

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