- May 9th, 2018, 8:17 am
This is definitely one of the most asked questions on the internet today. I think the first question any promoter needs to ask themselves is how much time, effort and money do I want to spend in promoting my website? It is possible to promote your website for FREE as well but you should consider the statistics involved in the website industry where there are about 400 to 500 websites created within 1 minute, as at 2015, Do the maths. At some point, No matter what the intent, business type, goals and motives, website traffic will be the end game as a low or no traffic website is as good as dead or non-existence
I personally recommend the free methods, especially if you're not willing to spend your hard earned income on some fresh off the boat website.
- Create your brand name and an easy to the eye logo make some research, if it's too volatile, choose another one
- Grab your brand's username on every media platform as much as possible. Avoid using characters outside your brand, i.e adding numbers etc.
-Design your website and use SEO tools to check basic optimizations.
-Don't try to outsmart search engines, especially at this time by buying traffic or black hat SEOing, instead focus on unique content.
These are just basics. The is more to new website promotion. I hope this helps.