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By nha272
There is a simple way to access google from canvas.
There is also a very simple way to alt-tab to programs running behind lockdown browser.

PM me for the details, I really don't think its a good idea to be posting how to do it freely or they'll just fix it.

However, I have not tested this whilst taking a test yet.
so i recently took an exam that used respondus with the webcam on throughout the exam and i set up a mobile device on the side of my laptop that was taking the test. It was in case something came up that i could not answer as the professor is known for giving stupid hard obscure questions. In the end i only used it to look up a 1 min video and i had muted the sound.

Im getting xtremely paranoid that the webcam could have caught my eye movements as I typed some things into my mobile device or it would have caught me placing the device after the environment check even though im fairly certain it was out of view of the webcam as i purposely tilted it up higher so it just films from slightly below my chin. I tried to throw off the eyemovement by making unrelated movements to act like am thinking. How realistic are my concerns and how long would it take for the review of the webcam footage (like when could i expect like a disciplinary email or something)?

also it was open book test also so there should b more leeway to hide the eye movements rite??
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By Iamranty
Jessy wrote: April 15th, 2020, 5:13 pm Hi there!
Does anyone know if Respondus Monitor + Lockdown browser can see if i use HDMI splitter to translate my display into another one in other room?
I used the monitor splitting method in ky last test, surprisingly, my remote invigilator didn't notice.

One major call out will be mastering your gestures and eye movement - its very easy to give it off that way.
Not actually looking for a cheat here (It's for ALEKS, where it's kind of counter-productive), but is it still possible to get Lockdown running in a VM? I have all Linux machines and couldn't get it running in WINE or a somewhat sneaky Virtualbox host. I'm on Arch, if it matters.

If you know, PM me or post a reply or whatever. Thanks for the help.
Looks like I got it to run in WINE (I tried installing that older VM version and gave up after fruitlessly trying to edit the virtualbox kernel modules source code to get the older version to run...) and just tried WINE. I have the "OEM" (Aleks) version, and used the following syntax to launch (with other stuff like wineprefix vars)
wine [path to LockDownBrowserOEM.exe] "ldb1:[long base64 encoded text specific to school]"

That URL can be accessed by digging in Firefox's inspector or through other means. I found it when I was inspecting LDB's system calls (if anyone would like to take a look at what I captured, please PM me.)

Regardless, even though it gets past the security measures in WINE, I am still faced with a blank white screen and some UI elements. Any help on this matter?
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