Invest in Decent Ether
Posted: August 24th, 2020, 12:50 pm
Welcome to DecentEther is the most powerful, highly secure and transparent distributed finance application (DeFi/DAPP) which allows investors to earn Ethereum in the form of dividend and also through referral bonus when successive investors invest in the Decent Ether system.
You will earn dividends each time DETHER Token Used. 100% transactions fees donated back to holders.
Smart Contract: ... A7741c18C9
Way user will earn Ethereum by investing in DecentEther
On every buy or sell order 10% fee will be deducted as network fee which will be distributed amoung DETHER holders in the form of Ethereum as dividend.
For every DETHER token buy or sell order DETHER Price will increase (on buy)/ decrease (on sell) by 0.00000001 ETH
For every referral user will receive 33% of network fees as referral benefits in the form of Ethereum
All Ethereum send to Smart contract get locked in smart contract. Hence you can sell your token anytime without fear of buyers
Verified Smart Contract
Secure & Transparent
Can Interact with etherscan directly without website
Completely Decentralized and available online always
Work with MetaMask, Trust Wallet, CoinBase Wallet and other Web3 Client
Admin can't change or withdraw fund
We are looking for YouTubers & Crypto Influencers to help us with project. Thank you
Happy Investing
You will earn dividends each time DETHER Token Used. 100% transactions fees donated back to holders.
Smart Contract: ... A7741c18C9
Way user will earn Ethereum by investing in DecentEther
We are looking for YouTubers & Crypto Influencers to help us with project. Thank you
Happy Investing