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By Iamranty
I know this is a little awkward, a few hours ago, I was at the verge of deleting my Facebook account. Yeah, I reached the friend limit (5,000) so I usually have to delete someone to get a spot for a new friend and that is if I really need to. I just got out of a relationship and some of my friends still make me remember the past... A friend introduced me to this platform so I decided to have my profile sold, not because i'm that broke but just for the fun of it.

This is crazy but anybody up for it?
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By Lewis2522
Facebook has created an incredible database of our personal information and they're making it available in ways that we don't even know about yet. Click this friends clipart for more facebook ideas. The first time I heard about this was when Mark Zuckerberg announced that he wanted Messenger as his primary email client -- which means he wants all his personal communications stored in his own database instead of on any other service he uses like Gmail or Yahoo Mail.

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