How dangerous is the 5G radiation technology?

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From the evolution of mobile and wireless technology using base telecommunication protocols like UMTS, GSM, GPRS , and Hybrid,then suddenly! (all in the name of fast internet) came 3G.

4G for example emits about 2-4 GHZ of power at an average equidistant. More at

But I was surprised to have learnt that 5G emit a shockingly powerful radiation between 200 -300 GHZ (Gigahertz) whoops!

Considering how human biological effects start at around 003 -006 microwatts per sq meter and typical 5G towers emmit between 1500 -2000 (060-080 Microwatts per sq meter through a brickwall)

The questions are;
Why is 5G even legal?
Are choosing fast internet speed over health with 5G?
Can we come up with a 5G technology with less overhead and still maintain more throughput?
Is 5G the end of the world?
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